di Ezio Tangini
Call for performers
I am very glad to inform you that the Butoh Festival Amsterdam third edition will take place on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd March 2019 at Teatro Munganga, Schinkelhavenstraat 27 1075 VP Amsterdam.
Your participation as dancer is kindly requested!
You can send the proposal about your work at eziotangini@gmail.com
The duration of each performance will be around 20 minutes.
About 12 performances are expected to be produced in the two days of the butoh festival.
The festival will be produced without any public or private grant.
The performers will receive part of the tickets sold in equal parts, after having deducted the cost of the theater and of other festival expenses.
Only the performances will be considered as payment. If someone will bring one musician, it will be up to the performer to find the way to divide with the musician the amount received.
Please send all the information about your work: title, short script (concept), music, lenght at eziotangini@gmail.com. If you have one video, please send the link.
About 12 works will be selected among the proposals received and your participation will be confirmed soon.
You will know all the details of the festival and the next steps later on.
The dead line for applications is on Saturday 27th October.
For any question please write.
Waiting for your agreement and proposal I send you my kindest regards,
Ezio Tangini
unconventional, experimental, controversial, international
Turn on the Scene!