
Il laboratorio si articolerà in una prima parte di riscaldamento e di preparazione alla sperimentazione fisica e creativa per poi passare allo studio e alla condivisione del repertorio coreografico di Roy Assaf.
Si approfondirà il processo creativo del coreografo concentrandosi in particolare sullo spettacolo Girls e 25 People e sul percorso che ha generato la creazione di questi due lavori.

Roy Assaf
Danzatore e coreografo. Inizia a studiare danza all’età di sedici anni.
Nel 2003 incontra e colabora con il coreografo di fama internazionale Emanuel Gat di cui diventa assistente esecutivo e coreografico dal 2004 al 2009.
Dal 2010 inizia a coreografare alcuni lavori che verranno presentati in numerosi teatri e festival come il Théâtre National de Chaillot, Jacob’s Pillow, Bolzano Danza, Pavillon Noir, Biennale di Venezia e la 17a Biennale de la Danse a Lione e per i quali ha vinto numerosi premi.
Nel 2014 viene invitato da Benjamin Millepied per creare un nuovo lavoro per il Los Angeles Dance Project (LADP), nel 2015 crea Ballader per The Royal Swedish Ballet e nel 2016 gli viene commissionato un lavoro coreografico dalla Batsheva Dance Company poi presentato all’International Exposure Festival di Tel Aviv.

Ariel Freedman
Danzatrice e coreografa membro della Roy Assaf Company.
Ha conseguito il BFA alla Juilliard School, dove ha ricevuto il premio Martha Hill. Dopo la laurea, si è esibita con AszURe & Artists, Hell’s Kitchen Dance di Mikhail Baryshnikov e David Parker e The Bang Group. Danza per la Batsheva Ensemble per due stagioni e con la Batsheva Dance Company per tre. Insegna Gaga, il linguaggio del movimento del coreografo di Batsheva Ohad Naharin. Ha anche lavorato con con Kidd Pivot, Keigwin Company, Motley Dance e The Troupe.


Dal 28 al 31 marzo 2019 tutti i giorni dalle 10 alle 12 e dalle 13 alle 16

Livello: intermedio

Dove: CID – Centro Internazionale della Danza

Costo: 250 euro

Per i possessori di “Carta In Cooperazione” Coop Trentino è previsto uno sconto del 5% sulla quota d’iscrizione.
Per i possessori di Oriente Occidente Emozioni è previsto uno sconto del 10% sulla quota d’iscrizione.

Per partecipare è necessario effettuare l’iscrizione telefonando allo 0464 431660 o scrivendo a cid@centrodelladanza.it.

Poiché i laboratori verranno avviati dal CID previa raggiungimento di un numero minimo di iscritti è fondamentale che le iscrizioni pervengano il prima possibile





Each day will begin with a warm-up lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour, emphasizing ease in opening oneself to a day of work and experimentation, and readying oneself for both physical and imaginative rigor. An underlying value of the class will be attention to cultivating generosity towards oneself and others. The day will continue with sharing excerpts of repertoire, in particular from Girls (2013/4) and 25 People (2017). Depending on the material, the session may begin with participants learning the most recent version of that material, or instead may begin with a task that recalls the original prompt from which that section of repertoire was eventually developed. In collaboration, we shape, elaborate on and refine the participants’ answers to these assignments along the same lines as was done in the original choreographic process. Thus, the dancers dive into Roy’s way of working. In addition to time spent working thoroughly and deeply on directly quoted material, dancers also come away from the workshop with their own iteration of the work and an experience that closely mirrors that of being part of one of Roy’s creations.

Roy Assaf
Roy Assaf was born in 1982 in the farming community of Sde Moshe in the south of Israel. He has been dancing and creating as long as he can remember. He began formal training at the age of sixteen, when he joined a dance group led by Regba Gilboa at the community center in Kiryat Gat.
In 2003 he met the internationally recognized choreographer Emanuel Gat and collaborated closely with Gat as both performer and choreographic assistant from 2004-2009. Since 2010, he has been developing his own works independently and has received commissions from renowned institutions including L.A Dance Project, the Royal Swedish Ballet, the Batsheva Dance Company, and The Juilliard School, among others.
In 2018 he revisited his work Girls & Boys with Ensemble Batsheva, brought Adam to Ballet de Capitole and saw his award-winning duet Six Years Later performed by Natalia Osipova.

Ariel Freedman
Ariel Freedman earned her BFA at The Juilliard School, where she was a recipient of the Martha Hill Prize. After graduating, she performed with Aszure Barton’s AszURe & Artists, Mikhail Baryshnikov’s Hell’s Kitchen Dance, and David Parker and the The Bang Group. She danced with the Batsheva Ensemble for two seasons and with the Batsheva Dance Company for three. She taught Gaga, the movement language of Ohad Naharin, and Naharin’s repertory from 2007-2015. She has performed with Crystal Pite’s Kidd Pivot, Motley Dance, Keigwin + Company, Zack Winokur and Michelle Mola/ The Troupe, Liz Magic Laser, Noa Zuk, Idan Sharabi and Dancers, Talia Beck, Helen Simoneau Danse, zoe | juniper, The Cambrians, and Charlotte Griffin. She has been dancing with and assisting Roy Assaf since 2013.


From 28 to 31 March 2019
All days from 10 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 4 pm

Price: 250 euro

Where: CID-Centro Internazionale di Rovereto, Corso Rosmini 58

Participants must sign up by calling 0464 431660 or by writing to cid@centrodelladanza.it.

Since the workshops will be started by the CID after reaching a minimum number of participants it is essential that registrations are received as soon as possible.

The registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances

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