

13 performers
12 performances with dancers from: Argentina, Brazil, France, Italy, Japan, U.K.
6 performances per day


Adrien Gaumé. France | Cécile Raymond . France | Elisabeth Damour . France | Kea Tonetti . Italy | Juju Alishina . Japan | Lorna Lawrie . Argentina | Luan Machado . Brazil | Rebecca Buckle . U.K. | Suzi Cunningham . U.K. | Teruyuki Nagamori . Japan | Tina Besnard . France | Tivitavi . Italy | Valeria Geremia . Italy 


  • Friday 9th October
    Valeria Geremia  rAum
    Cécile Raymond  Cross-over
    Luan Machado  Dead Zone
    p a u s e
    Juju Alishina  Utusesemi (this body in this world)
    Tina Besnard  BiBiBimba Ex – Too
    Lorna Lawrie  Periple
  • Saturday 10th
    Kea Tonetti and Tivitavi  Mono
    Adrien Gaumé  Ungu Lliblaction
    Rebecca Buckle  Femoral
    p a u s e
    Elisabeth Damour  Somewhere the creature abandons chaos to be exhausted Ocean
    Teruyuki Nagamori  pray for Y
    Suzi Cunningham  Rules to Live By


Technical assistant: Mon Costa Justes

dates, time, ticket prices:
Fri 9th October  8:30pm € 25
Sat 10th  October  8:30pm € 25
both the days € 45

Concession € 20 and € 35 for both the days (only for certified students and unemployed)


Due to limited seats available for covid-19 restriction, tickets will only be available online.
You are highly recommended to book your seat online, so that you will be sure to have your seat.
If you will pass at the booking office on the same festival day, very probably, you will not be able to have access at the theater.
We are very sorry about that but we are forced to do it this way. 

Info and booking: info@munganga.nl
telephone: 020 6759837


Photographer: Jérémie Lortic 

Photographer: Birgit Sanders

For further information contact Ezio Tangini e_mail eziotangini@gmail.com

The Butoh festival Amsterdam taking place at Munganga Theatre
Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs2 1075 Amsterdam

Press contact: Ezio Tangini tel.+39 3385004680 

email: eziotangini@gmail.com

Butoh Festival Amsterdam 9th- 10th October 2020 –edition IV–
The festival will be produced without any public or private grant.
turn on the Scene!  www.inbetweenbutoh.com

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