23 performers
9 performances with dancers from: France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Polynesia, Spain
9 performances in two days
Agus Rivas . Spain | Anima fact collective . France | Azu Minami . Japan | Cécile Raymond . France | Coco Villarreal . Mexico | Elena Arroyo . Spain | Gilles Viandier . France | Heitiare Reus . Polynesia | Ix-Butoh Ritual Dance and Theater . Mexico-Spain | Javier Blesa . Spain | Kea Tonetti and Tivitavi . Italy | Laia Balaguer . Spain | La Médula . Spain | Lucile Teche . France | Manuela Gilabert . Spain | Matahari Yhue . Mexico | Mathilde Segonds . France | Mavi Haro . Spain | Natividad Martín . Spain | Paul Tainturier . France | Philippe Payraud . France | Romaric Séguin . France | Selegna Ziur Sanedràk . Spain | Tina Besnard . France | Yisus Pardo . Spain
Friday 7th
Cécile Raymond Fission Fusion
La Médula Vertigos
p a u s e Kea Tonetti and Tivitavi Splendore
Tina Besnard Brumante
Saturday 8th
Anima fact collective False Days
Elena Arroyo From Origin
p a u s e
Azu Minami Finger of Flower Ix-Butoh Ritual Dance and Theater Oniria
Mavi Haro Anthill Cradle
Technical assistant: Mon Costa Justes
dates, time, ticket prices
Fri 7th October 8:30pm € 25
Sat 8th October 8:30pm € 25
both the days € 45
Concession € 20 and € 35 for both the days (only for certified students and unemployed)
Info and booking: info@munganga.nl
telephone: 020 6759837
For further information contact Ezio Tangini e_mail eziotangini@gmail.com
The Butoh festival Amsterdam taking place at Munganga Theatre
Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs2 1075 Amsterdam
Press contact: Ezio Tangini tel.+39 3385004680
email: eziotangini@gmail.com
Butoh Festival Amsterdam 7th- 8th October 2022 –edition VI–
The festival will be produced without any public or private grant.
turn on the Scene! www.inbetweenbutoh.com