
Artichoke Formazione Superiore in Danza Contemporanea
Workshop intensivo di 20 ore con JOS BAKER (Peeping Tom)
Sarà uno dei nostri insegnanti ospiti durante l’anno accademico 2020-21

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Jos Baker è un danzatore, attore, coreografo e insegnante.
Dal 2008 al 2014, Jos ha lavorato come danzatore, attore e collaboratore com attore e collaboratore  per Peeping Tom, una delle compagnie di danza  più innovative dell’ultimo decennio,  ha inoltre lavorato con gli storici DV8 Physical Theatre
Insegna a livello internazionale, offrendo una gamma di lezioni e workshop  presso Sead, PARTS Summer School, TrinityLaban, The Place, Amsterdam Theatre school, Northern School of Contemporary dance e molti altri.

Did studio, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano



dal 4 al 8 Gennaio 2021- 5 giorni, 20 ore di lavoro

h 12.00 registrazione | h 12.30-17.30 workshop con pausa compresa.
dal 5 al 8

 h 10.30-15.30 Workshop con pausa compresa.


INFO: artichokefdr@gmail.com


Physicology works with a combination of analysis and experimentation to develop a deeper understanding of the physical, psychological and evolutionary principals that effect human movement. The work looks at ways of deepening physical and intellectual understanding of how movement can work while also developing tools to handle some of the psychological factors that can hold us back in learning and in performing. These principals are then expanded through both fixed material and improvisation, building to richly detailed, technical and highly physically dance phrases. As the classes develop the emphasis turns to performativity and musicality while keeping a fun and high energy spirit of exploration.

Creative tools is an exploration of ways of making material for stage performance. Exploring physical extremes and characterisation; this workshop will look at ways of creating scene ideas using theatrical and physical tools, and then on how to develop and refine those ideas. How does a dancer approach character, how does a character dance? We explore methods of generating material that play with the personality, image, and the strengths and weakness of the individual in the attempt to find unique and specialised material. Much of this work is inspired by Jos’ experience working with Peeping Tom.

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